I’m currently using:
- Pen Thermometers
- ThermoWorks Therma Differential Thermocouple Meter
- Fast Response Penetration Probe Type K, 4” L x .12” D reduce to .06” at Tip, 482F - -58 - 482F (cable and handle max temp 105ºF), 0.6 sec in liquid, 3-4 sec full reading
- Sous Vide Needle Probe 60mm, with waterproof heat shrink, 1m lead - -58 - 482ºF (cable and shrink max temp 194ºF) / < 0.4 sec in liquid, < 2 sec for full reading
- Oven Probe Type K 5L x .13”OD 482F” - -58ºF - 482ºF (cable rated at 250ºF) / 4 sec in liquid, less than 20 sec full reading
- Crocodile Clip Oven Probe Max Temp 662 F - -56ºF - 660ºF (cable rating 660ºF) / < 2 sec in liquid, less than 10 sec for full reading
- Cooper Atkins Oven or Cooler Probe - -100ºF - 600ºF (cable rated 600ºF*) / 1 sec in liquids, 10 sec in 5 m/sec air stream
- ThermoWorks Signals WiFI/Bluetooth enabled 4 channel thermometer with ability to control fan
- Thermoworks Billows BBQ Temperature Control Fan - fan to regulate temperature of grill by controlling airflow
- Thermoworks Industrial IR Gun (IR-GUN-S)
I used to have a Polder Safe Serve Instant Read Thermometer, but I didn’t like it because it was focused more on getting you to pick the kind of meat and then ringing an alarm when you got to that temperature rather than telling you the temperature. This meant lots of alarms going off when you didn’t need them because I typically cook to a specific temperature rather than a default and don’t need an alarm in an instant thermometer (for my remote thermometer, the alarms are useful).
I also owned a Chugod Bluetooth BBQ Thermometer. I liked it but the range was too short and didn’t reach most of my house. Also, whenever I went out of range, it would trigger an annoying alarm.
Refrigerators should be between 35ºF and 38ºF (1.7ºC - 33ºC) and freezers below 0ºF.