Joi Ito's Cooking

Joi Ito's cookin' on the living web.


Traditional home cooking from the Philippines. Easy to make and very tasty - a kind of umami bomb of amino acid flavors.

You can make this without the pork or the shrimp. You can also add tofu. I would suggest harder tofu, chopping the tofu into squares or rectangles and frying before adding to stir fry.

Instead of bok choy, you can use other strong leafy greens such as Chinese cabbage.

Inspired by this recipe.


You can add more protein. I made it with a lb of pork and a lb of shrimp and it was great.

Works well with asparagus too. 6


  • 1 lb bok choy cleaned and chopped
  • 8 oz ground pork
  • 1 lb chopped or small shrimp
  • 1 medium tomato diced
  • 1 medium yellow onion diced
  • 3 cloves garlic crushed
  • 1 cup chicken broth
  • 3 Tbsp cooking oil
  • 2 Tbsp fish sauce
  • Ground black pepper to taste


Works well in a wok but you can use any sauté pan.


Chop the onion, garlic and tomato and put in a bowl or vat. Chop the bok choy and shrimp and put in another bowl or vat.

Heat wok and target the Leidenfrost effect.

Add oil to pan and add onion, garlic and tomato and sauté.

Add ground pork and sauté until brown.

Add shrimp and bok choy and stir-fry for 3 - 5 min until the bok choy is tender, but not soft. If you want, you can separate the leafy part from the thick stems and add them a min or two after the thick parts.

Add chicken broth (or water if you don't have any) and bring to boil. Cover and simmer for 2 - 3 min.

Add fish sauce and ground black pepper.

Chinese chicken soup broth usually has a lot of salt in it so you may not need salt. If you use stock or broth without salt, you may need to add some. Season to taste at end.