We ordered abalone steaks from Great Alaska. They were frozen in little packs and looked like beef patties. They were pounded and tendrized and looked a bit weird.

I dredged them in flour and tried to pan fry them like a meuniere, but the sort of shrunk, fell apart a bit from the tendrized parts and shed a lot of water that made the pan soggy and didn't sear or brown the abalone well.

I basically used my Fish Meuniere recipe basically.

They still tasted good, but a bit floury and not crispy enough.

I wonder if next time I should dry the abalone better... or maybe I should try fresh or frozen without tenderization if I can find them. The NYT recipe says I can order them from Monterey.

Recipes prepared

Fish Meuniere
Monterey Bay Abalone, Meuniere-Style